Good Friday…Freebie

Well it Good Friday. As far back as I can remember it is always a gloomy day,  I was taught to believe that Good Friday is the Friday within the Holy Week  and is a time of fasting and penance, the anniversary of Christ’s crucifixion and death. I never understood why the word ‘good’ is used.  Seems to me it should be ‘bad’ Friday.  I so remember fasting and going to confession to clear my soul.  I would lie in the confessional as a young child because I didn’t have any sins to tell.  Isn’t that funny the church  brainwashed me into thinking I HAD to be bad, I must have sins.  Good Lord I even had a script they made us memorize…Bless me Father for I have sinned… Those Catholics always trying to cleanse us. No wonder I’m f***** up with my guilt.

But for today it IS A GOOD FRIDAY!! I have been very good to myself.  No indulging (well one happy hour which I kept to a dull roar).  Feeling better .  It is nice to not have self imposed punishment.

So for all the sinners be kind to yourself today, history tells us someone else paid for your sins today.

2 responses to “Good Friday…Freebie

  1. It sounds like it was a GOOD Friday. Let go of the guilt, indeed. Someone else paid for our sins so this round’s on Jesus… i like that!

    BTW, the “Good” in Good Friday comes from “Holy” (like a Holy person is a Good person).

    Anyway, i’m doing super good as well, so here’s a drink (of Coke Zero) to our continued feeling Good and not worrying about Being good.

  2. Cheers to you. Glad you are doing well. Getting easier to stay on task. Hoping to notice the good things in my life. I was drained by the focus on the not so good. Anyway things are good. The sun FINALLY came out here which was much needed. Love “continued to feeling Good and not worrying about Being Good” Hits home for me.
    Rock on

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