It is over. The hangover over the day after the hangover over and a new day has begun. After beating the shit out of myself for over indulging I decided to get back to what makes me feel the best which is hot yoga. Now I am not the whoo hooo kind of girl and could normally come up with any excuse why I would not like this yoga practice. I was introduced to it two years ago when I quit smoking. I felt at that time I could give it a try seeing that I could finally breath. This is a far cry from Nike land.  This  BIKRAM yoga is hot…in many ways. 105 degrees for ninety minutes. I promise any demon you may have will have to fight to stay with you in this class. Driving there I told myself out loud “this is your ninety minutes clear your mind and follow instruction” I chugged my 32oz of water and entered the building. The minute I entered I felt better just for being there. These people are just cool. They don’t give a hoot about you but are cool about it. They don’t want to talk to you, know you or look at you but they smile at you just enough for you to feel like you are part of something special. I love that. I completed this crazy military like practice (and went back at 5am this morning) and feel totally better. I left all my shit in that room (along with a few drops of remaining Bacardi) and am starting again.
I am looking at it like my bar. I have made a strong effort to stay away from bars the last year until the other day. I love the bar. I love dark bars. I love bar stools. I love looking at the shiny glasses along with smiling faces.  I love when I know the bartender just a little. I love the quiet nods. But what happens to me at the bar is after too many I can’t see straight, I am learning too much about the bartender OR TELLING HIM TOO MUCH and I now have 20 more friends which I don’t want. Oh and I think I am all that. So for now I will stay away from the place I have loved for so long and enter into my dark 105 degree cave where I can just be and walk out with my head held high.

2 responses to “BIKRAM vs BACARDI

  1. Wow, i loved your description of the bar! Sounds a lot more pleasant than the yoga, unfortunately sounding good is not synonymous with being good for you.

    Good for you, though, to break the routine and to take the steps necessary to get yourself feeling good. Keep up the good work.

    And i still got your back for the cocktail party tonight… Hang in there. 🙂

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